Spring Onions vs Scallions

We grow loads of different onions here at Red Wagon. Check out this post to get an idea just how many. One type of onion not in that post, that you’ll be getting week is Spring Onions.

Spring onions often get confused with scallions or green onions. Scallions and green onions are the same. Spring onions are different, they are on the bottom in this photo, scallions are on top.

Spring onions are onions harvested very young once they start to develop bulbs.  The whole plant, bulb and green stalks are very tender. Scallions have a longer white shaft and won’t bulb and will get tough if left in the ground to grow too long. Spring onions if left to grow will get bigger round bulbs and basically grow into a common onion.

The whole plant of any allium/onion is usable. In older plants the green part might be tough and you might not want to eat that part raw, but you could use tough onion greens in stocks or braises or chopped in soups or stews. I made a pesto out of my spring onion greens. I followed  this recipe. and subbed the onion greens for the scapes.

Spring onions are tender and delicious. Add them raw into salads or sandwiches. If you are roasting some vegetables add some spring onions. I roasted my spring onions and I added the fennel we got this week too. This will be a great addition to a grain salad or Buddha bowl or just add a vinaigrette and you have a really nice side dish.

Have a great week.






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