Hakurei Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing

Hakurei turnips are a perfect addition to any simple salad. Hakurei’s are juicy and sweet eaten raw. Cooked they become pleasantly soft and buttery.

I made an old school Honey Poppyseed dressing here. I really like to have a few sauces and dressings in my refrigerator at the ready. This dressing is a great one to have on hand, it’s delicious and keeps for a long time and goes great with any seasonal green or chopped vegetable.

Poppyseed dressing

  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 3 Tablespoons honey can substitute with agave or maple syrup if vegan
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon poppy seeds
  • pinch salt

Put everything in a jar with a lid and shake it really well.

For the salad wash and dry your greens and other salad ingredients, tear large leaves into bite size pieces and slice the Hakurei turnips as thinly as possible. A mandolin works great here. Toss the sliced turnips with a splash of dressing to coat and separate the slices.

Toss everything together and enjoy!

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